Recursos Educativos y Documentos Curriculares

¿Qué me pone triste?

¿Qué me pone triste?

Life is not always easy or happy. Some days will be fun, while others will be difficult. Sometimes people have challenges to face. The How I Feel series explores the many emotions people experience in day-to-day life, and are designed to help children to better understand their feelings on their own personal journeys.

Acceso a Biblioteca Digital Escolar

Tipo: Lecturas / Libros BDE

Fuente o Colección: Biblioteca Digital Escolar

Autor: Heidi Howarth / Daniel Howarth

Palabras claves: Disponible para uso simultáneo / Orientación / Autoestima / Desarrollo Personal / Libro infantil

ISBN: 9781489687685

C - Copyright - Todos los derechos reservados

C - Copyright - Todos los derechos reservados

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